microwaving leftovers [ 2003-06-01, 8:09 a.m. ]

As I sit here peacefully drinking the magic elixir that is coffee, I guess this wonderful spring morning has found me in a reflective mood. In fact let me update a couple of things from the recent past.

First, as you'll read here , I had some issues with the recent Dr.Schols t.v ads. Well, yesterday as I sat watching the Braves-Mets game I was stunned to see a new one! The famous "gellin like a felon" line was of course used. But the punchline this time? "I'm like MAGELLON I'm so gellin'". ahem. Certainly this is the work of the devil.

Secondly, I had my vehicle (a Ford Ranger which out here in Redneckland where I live, keeps the natives from being suspicious) serviced. As I drove the truck over to drop it off, I realized I had forgotten all about my great feat of engineering as chronicled here . I must proudly say that almost two months later the wiper blade remains attached firmly in place. Even more impressive is that it is still working after more rain the past couple of months than any Old Testament wanker ever endured. I think I will patent this and become a rich, capitalistic fatcat.

So this lovely Sunday finds yours truly in a pretty decent mood. It's a beautiful day outside and I have a 11:20 tee time. That's what life is all about.

But fear not. For tomorrow I return to my office located in the very back of Hell itself where a rant of epic proportions can happen at any moment.

And with that I bid all adieu.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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