gellin' like a felon [ 2003-05-29, 6:35 a.m. ]

I'll admit right up front, I am a bit punchdrunk today, so I apologize if this entry surpasses the already high "dazed and confused" levels.

My mind has become obsessed with this one weird commercial I've seen. I cannot tell you the name of the product except that it's some sort of hair gel, or at least I think. Anyway, it's a group of the dorkiest (is that a word?), goofiest people partying around a pool. They are asking each other if they are "gelled" or not and some dude comes out of the water horribly ungelled an his hair poofed out like a 'fro. He becomes a major outcast in his ungelled state. But after being clued in he gets "gelled" and is now the life of the party. Also these dorks try to use what is supposed to pass for hip slang. Well, it might have been hip in 1995 or so, but it could never be hip in any way being spoken by these people. So the guy whose life is now saved by gel is asked if he's "gellin'" and he answers while 70's porn music plays in the background "I'm gellin' like a felon". WTF?

Has anyone seen this? Did I dream this? Did I have one too many frosty Guinness' before bedtime? Do the doctor's need to cut back my dosage?

Now this is stuck in my head, like a tick on a dog. Does this mean on some level I really do want to be at a pool with 70's porn music and indeed gellin' like a felon? Is there some sort of subliminal drug or sex message this ad is putting in our heads? There is this chick in the commerical who looks pretty good in her bikini...but I digress.

I've never used gel on my hair. I've used jello back in my punk rock days mind you, to spike it up. I may have used mouse (or moose or mouse'or dam whatever that is) from a girlfriend for the punk rock look but I've never been a gel sort of fellow. Have I missed something crucial by not using gel? Am I like the dork in this ad at every party and just don't know it?

But believe you me, the next pool party I go to I will be "gellin like a felon". Yesiree.

****editor's note**** As helpfully pointed out by Cookie in the guestbook the commercial seems to be about shoe inserts that are gel. So where I got the hair and pool images in my head are a mystery. The breakdown in mental functions continues! That commerical is destroying what was left of my brain. It must be stopped dear God make it stop!

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