confessions of a terrorist [ 2003-07-14, 9:23 a.m. ]

I think I'm pretty much securing my place in hell at this point.

There is a person here at work who puts bible messages up on a dry erase board out in the hallway. Now, I am pretty tolerant of such things but I just don't think the holy roller sort of stuff she writes is appropriate for a workplace. If it was universal wisdom sort of things sure but...

Well she's not the best speller in the world. One day I saw a word misspelled that it made the verse pretty funny. *ding* the lightbulb went off. So yes, since then I have been changing a letter or word or two in the verse and thereby vandalizing the thing. I sneak and do it and no one knows who it is yet, but apparently it is all the buzz out there and I have become a folk hero of sorts.

Like today's message. I turned "The power of Satan is no match for the glory of Jesus" into "The power of satin is no match for Jesus". Last week I turned "Love thy neighbor etc. into "Love thy neighbor before her husband gets home".

I can't seem to help myself and obviously the devil himself is using me as his instrument. But then ya know, I found out this woman, also lives with a man she's not married to and drinks like a fish and I think if you are going to talk the talk you'd better walk the walk or shutup.

Oh well, I guess I was 50-50 for heaven anyway so I might as well enjoy my descent and have fun!

Surely God has a sense of humor.

But just in case, I better go do a good deed somewhere to counteract my scripture terrorism.

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