You had me until you said "hello" [ 2003-07-14, 7:14 a.m. ]

Most of you will know what I am speaking of here whether you admit it out loud or not. There is probably one person in your realm at work or wherever that you have a little harmless "crush from afar" on. Someone you see down the hallway and or in passing every now and then and you go "hmmmm.." and check them out of the corner of your eyes as they pass. You know you do it.

A few weeks ago a new nurse started here and she is (as Seinfeld once put it)"in possession of the qualities prized by the superficial male". It was pleasant to see her once a day or so and exchange a quick "hi". It was the perfect crush from afar relationship.

But suddenly our relationship was shattered.

She was assigned work that meant she indirectly reported to me on a part of her job, meaning working together some of the day. As you can imagine the magic was now gone. First I was treated to hearing her bitch out her poor husband on the phone for a full half an hour, and trust me she isn't attractive enought to make that worthwhile. Poor man.

Second was the accent. It's not Southern in that pleasing way like they have in Savannah and Charleston, it was way, way down south in the swamps or something accent. She has to repeat some words for me to understand. And before you say I'm a "Southun' Hatuh" I find nothing more charming than a young lady with a southern accent but trust me when I tell you that this accent was in no way charming.

So there, my daily small crush ruined!! And yes sure I'm a typical superficial male, so hang me in the town square if you must.

I was once quite sure the perfect woman was the deaf, mute Miss America we had and that is still a working theory. (joking here, just joking here)

Of course the reality is that I am huge conversationalist and a mute female would never appeal to me. Damn, but reality ruins everything.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics