a brave storm survivor tells his harrowing story [ 2005-01-30, 1:43 p.m. ]

Well, I seem to have weathered the "Ice Storm of the Century" (as the TV news would have us all think) intact. There was a casuality however. The pork tenderloin I had in the oven last night was only half cooked when our power went out for a couple of hours. I am afraid it could not be saved.
*observe a moment of silence please*
Otherwise it was quite lovely to look at if nothing else (the ice accumulation not the pork, although it too was lovely). And nothing like a good excuse to just stay in and be lazy for a day.
I snapped some great photos I think that I'll post soonish. Including some action shots of Nikki frantically pawing at the ice on the back deck. Deck icing must also be quite tasty too as she would also eat it as well.
I went out into the back yard with her yesterday during the height of the storm and she jumped around like a quite mad dog. I find it cute and amusing until I realized it was likely because to her paws it was like standing in an ice bucket, hence the jumping around. So we went back in after that brilliant deductive reasoning on my part.
I may be slow but I'm.. oh hell, no, I just may be slow.
Today as the temps are climbing above freezing, everything is melting and dripping away. It's kinda sad. Sort of like the storm had this big, beautiful party but after the party there's just a lot of mess to clean up. And I think I have a hangover from all the wine as well.
Alright so the wine had nothing to do with the ice storm really. Sue me.
Well I'm off to get out of the house a bit. I'm going trash can shopping. Then grocery shopping. Hey don't be envious now, my life isn't this exciting every day. Nope.

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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