Shooting stars and chocolate pudding [ 2003-08-07, 7:39 a.m. ]

First today a confession:

I have always had a crush on Alicia Silverstone. Even when she was in the Aerosmith videos and was 15 or something. But now she is of age and I can have an open crush on her. She has a new TV show this year that looks as exciting as watching paint dry. However, I will watch anyway.

Second thing, an observation:

For the second time in the last year I saw a shooting star this morning while taking the fabulous Nikki on her walk at 5am. This wretchedly early hour is obviously prime time for stars to blow up. It was unreal how cool it was because it rained last night (will the rain ever stop?)and was foggy at ground level. It gave what is already a surreal event, a very cool, eerie luminous quality. Yeah it could have been a meteor or something, but I say it was a shooting star because that means I get a wish. For a milli-second I couldn't think of a wish. Panic set in. Is there a time limit on making the wish? But I managed to make one before the buzzer went off I think. No, I can't say what it is or it won't come true! But you could assume it has something to do with the aforementioned Miss Silverstone, a keg of beer and chocolate pudding. ahem.

And lastly today, a thank you:

I heartily have to thank the great state of California. You really are the entertainment capital of the world. Look at this race for the recall election! Among the contenders, Gallagher, Larry Flynt, Gary Coleman and now Ahhhnold. I happen to do pretty fair imitations and I do an excellant one of Gary Coleman and Ahhhhnold. But Ladies and Gentlemen, my Larry Flynt can bring down the house. From now until the election I will be the hit of many a party or bar gathering as I hold a mock debate all by myself doing these imitations. I do so love the spotlight.

I don't have a Gallagher worked up but I can smash an orange or whatever fruit is handy to represent him. Fun, fun, fun!

And now the P.S. part today:

Last night a friend of mine and I met up to catch up on everything over a beer or two or four at a bar. While there she and I half-heartedly started playing the trivia game going on, never intending to even finish it. Well, we were in the lead after the first round. We faded somewhat in the second and third. There was a table of 8 or so next to us, who we overheard mocking their "competition"! And another guy was getting pissed about "all the cheating" going on. Obviously these people lead quite the full life to be so worked up about this stuff. However, we resolved to bring in a full team and kick the ass of the obnoxious team that was next to us. The bastards.

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