Calling all stalkers! [ 2003-09-10, 7:13 a.m. ]

Wow! I feel so special now.

After having recently had, not one but two, "buddies" have problems with ex's or current's finding their diary and reading it, I too have an ex lurking out there! Go me! Thanks to the handy stats tracker it was a no-brainer.

However, I welcome my stalker. Though the words "psycho" have been applied to her from those in the know, I shall not myself fret over terminology. I will say however, that I hope that her finding me and reading is based on normal curiousity and a few laughs here and there (she told me I was the "funniest person alive" once, this statement alone may bring her sanity into question though!) and not the sort of obsessive behavior that has been a destructive force in her life.

But if she is here to get tid-bits of my present relationship, then I am afraid it is to be a less than fruitful mission. Not that I wouldn't write about personal struggles here, because I would, but rather because things are so calm, peaceful and contented in that area of my life (for possibly the first time ever) there is nothing to write!

Because of this fact I focus all my attention to things like what people hang from their rear-view mirrors and such. She will have heard the sort of pontificating that I do ad nauseum over several thousands of beers before (I tend to talk a lot) but if she wishes to play along at home on the home version of this show then I really have no problem.

So Ms. Lurking Stalker, welcome aboard! You don't need to show yourself or comment whatsoever, continue to look all you wish just please stay behind the rope as a spectator.

Yep, I feel so special now.

By the way, don't you still owe me $20?

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