Profound Spit [ 2003-12-31, 9:16 a.m. ]

Wow I think my life is flashing before my eyes or something.

I just thought for some reason just now of the short-lived yet infamous punk band I was in "Profound Spit". Yes I thought of the name and thank you, it is indeed brilliant. We only lasted a week due to "creative differences" but oh what a week. Our one and only song named, yes, Profound Spit, had these lyrics for a chorus...

"because we are profound spit (at this point lead singer actually spits)

...and we don't give a sh**!!"

It is really a wonder I never hit it big. ahhh memories...

Now dig this. Last night I am buying my champagne to drink later tonight and then throw up tomorrow at the grocery store (Chateau St. Michelle it's like the Dom of the lower end brands, a steal at $10.99 (!) and hey, Madonna served it at her wedding). When lo and freakin behold, two twins (I said TWINS!) all blonde and hot walk up to me and say they are looking for some champagne but don't know much about it. We spent a couple minutes as I tried to make what little I know sound like more and of course I threw some humor in there so that we all shared a laugh. Although it was obviously a thinly veiled attempt on their part to involve me in some sort of hot-twin threesome, I of course being of high moral fiber helped them with their selection and went on. In truth it's likely that unless very drunk if faced with such a situation I'd probably be so freaked out I ran away. But it's fun to talk about. By the time I ramp the account up to tell on the golf course or some such setting, trust me, the exploit will be legendary.

I've been reading those who say that in their recollection nothing good has ever happened on New Year's and darned if I don't agree. I usually end up puking in someone's yard or hitting on someone frightening. In fact it's possible my last good New Years was when I was a kid and was dropped off at my grandma's so my parents could go party.

Well, we'll see I guess. One never knows what ones mood may be when the evening draws nearer.

A most joyous New Year to all. And I look forward to reading everyones adventures and misadventures tomorrow.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics