Confessions of a serial resolution maker [ 2004-01-02, 7:13 a.m. ]

Back at work, back at work. I swear it seems like I am the only person working the last two weeks. How does everyone have so much time off? Damn them.

New Years Eve was just wonderful really. And yesterday as well, nice weather for this time of year (near 70)and I took the dog to the mountain for a hike. And watched football as well, but that's a given with me I suppose.

Resolutions? Eh, none for me thanks. Mostly as I am constantly resolving to do this or that. You know how heavy drinkers call New Years Eve "amateur night"? That's how an obsessive resolutioner...nah that can't be it...resolver?..ok we'll go with that...resolver like myself feels about New Year's resolutions. It's likely not a healthy habit for me to have either but I don't feel like getting on the couch just now so...

Even if resolutions are the world's biggest cliche', I applaud anyone doing it. I don't care if you only go to the gym for two weeks or save money for three days etc, we are all still better off if even just a little. So resolve away I say.

However there comes the problem of what to say to those who will doubtless ask over the next few days, "sooo, any new years resolutions"? Truly, this is the equivalent of "how are you?" and more politeness than anything else, BUT a "yes" means you have to follow with an actual resolution and a "no" makes you sound as if you're too shiftless to conjure up resolutions.

I could go with the previously stated "I am an obsessive resolver anyway etc" answer but this would have people wondering if i need a drug test administered or get me involved in actual conversation. Last year I used the snappy little line "my resolution is to have no resolutions" as my answer. This was obviously not as cute or clever as I had led myself to think. I mostly received confused, glassy stares over that.

I think I have come up with a good answer finally this year. Nothing typically smart ass or smarmy as I'm known for but simple and a nice pat answer. "Resolutions? Sure, but I'm not going to say anything in case I can't stick with it". Ahhh, the mysterious answer. Mystery is always good. And it's an answer that ENDS pointless, trivial conversations.

Well, we'll see if it works. I thought last years was killer, so what do I know?

Maybe I'll resolve to write entries in diaryland that aren't pointless and meandering like this one. Nah, I could never stick with that.

last - next

4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics