Calvin and Darwin take a piss [ 2003-08-26, 4:43 p.m. ]

Today sucked more ass than...than...oh hell I don't have a punch line handy...than a proctologist with a vacuum cleaner I suppose. See how bad it was?

This morning driving to work I was behind someone (a chick it appeared) who had a lisence plate holder thing with a "message" on it. Oh great, Miss car in front of me, you have something you wish to share with the world. What does it say? At the top "married" and the bottom "and finally happy". Sweet fancy Moses, what the hell is that all about? First of all I am shocked that such a thing is available to buy and that people would buy it. But....geez louise.

First I think, ahh the work of a total dick-headed controlling son of a bitch husband. Imagine this poor woman excitedly opening a package at Christmas that ended up having this piece of shit present in it. While her slobbish, obsessive husband, wearing a wife-beater t-shirt with a gravy stain down the front, grinning like the fool he is. No man will mess with her now!

Or maybe, she is one of these people who thinks if she publicly says she's happy enough it'll make it true. They could be one of those couples who wears matching clothes and stuff. Yikes.

I guess it could be her message to us guys driving past that she is taken and happily married. I don't know after I drove past her I am sure she need not worry about too many guys honking.

I don't know. I suppose I'm just not the sort who feels the need to tell you much about me from my rear bumper. But oh yes, I am aware, we live in a world where everyone feels the need to proclaim their every leaning at all times. However I don't care if you would "rather be diving" or that "mean people suck" or anything about your sexual preference, I don't want to know who or what you screw, all your sticker from the last elections tells me is that you are a moron. You can stick your Darwin or your fish eating Darwin or Darwin with a fish up his ass where the sun don't shine as well. If Calvin needs to take a piss on something I could care less to see it.

All I want from the person in front of me is to do the damned speed limit, signal before you turn and stay out of my way. The rest? You can keep it to yourself dumbass. Is that too much to ask?

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