of sickening republicans, colonel sanders and yes Phil Collins is still the devil [ 2004-08-11, 2:40 p.m. ]


The MRI results are in. I have a ruptured disc which is protruding onto a nerve. I am starting physical therapy and drug treatment (hee!) to see if it gets any better but it appears I am on a collision course with surgery in the not so distant future.

But I am gratified to know that there is a reason that I have freakish spasms and cramps and shooting pain all the time. At least I'm not dying of some bizarre disease!

Speaking of pain and bizarre things, are we all ready for this election nonsense to be over? aye-yi-aye.

Where I live in the rural burbs of Atlanta it is something in the order of 95% republican by voting. Therefore many districts don't even have a democrat running for office. So who ever wins the run-off is pretty much locked to win in November. Therefore the ads the past weeks leading up to yesterdays' run-off were each candidate trying to out-conservative the other guy.

These freakin' commercials were creepy!

There would be the scenes of the candidate coming out of church of course, bible held high as his voice over spoke of "traditional values", then there would be some sort of family reunion with nothing but blonde, blue-eyed kids running around in a serene field on a farm. The voice over speaks of believing in "southern family values" as this old dude pats a young female relative who appears to be around 24 months pregnant. He pats her lovingly on the protrusion. It was freaky looking. What Southern family values? Knocking up your own neice or something!? Did I die and travel to BFE Alabama circa 1858?

And each man is so pious and religous that you'd think his last name should be Christ.

"it's like I tell my brother Jesus, we should honor our religous traditions and not let homo's get married, by crackey".

And the tax claims hit me hard. As a member of the only party who favors real tax relief it kills me to hear these talking about all the "tax relief" they have voted for. When the hell was this? Where is this tax relief moron? Liar, liar pants on fire!

Anyway in this little world these commercials dredged up you'd believe that they inhabit a place where God is feared constantly, minorities clean the toilets and build the fences and go home before dark, there are no taxes, every one lives on palacial farm and stands around in a white suit waving the flag all day long.

Yecchhhh. If I had to endure one more day of that crap I was going to have to beat the living daylights out of one of these guys.

The only guy I liked was this guy who was older than Moses and looked and dressed like Colonel Sanders of KFC fame. That commercial made me very hungry too. But he'd stand there all "I'm Colonel Sanders biotttcchhh" and stuff and smile and wave.

Yes that guy made me feel happy inside. The rest needed to die a wretched and vile slow death.

Also a "Phil Collins is the devil and is trying to steal my soul" update.

I swear on a stack of Genesis albums that I woke up with the theme from "Against all odds" in my head yesterday.

I'm on suicide watch still. The lack of shoe strings is causing me hardship.

Pray for me.

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