Goliath? Hi, I'm David. [ 2004-08-10, 8:06 a.m. ]

Isn't it something when one person can bring a mighty corporation or entity to it's knees?

Michael Moore tries to do it with questionable facts and voice over thoughts and while pocketing money. Some form goofy ass boycots and march around in the hot sun with picket signs.

Me? I prefer to sit on my ass and use a direct method. My newly acquired voodoo skills.

On my return trip from New Orleans my company had us booked on Delta for our flight. The Sig Ot and I being practical people had our luggage in one bag with a small carry on. It had been no problem on the flight out. Coming back and having acquired a thing or two, our bag was a bit heavier I guess. The baggage nazi told us our bag was 52 pounds, two over the limit and this would cost us $25.00. We could of course take some stuff out and put it in a carry-on. We looked at each other and decided just to say fine and not open our bag and transfer our underwear or sex toys or whathaveya to the carry-on in front of God and everybody. This pissed me off like there was no tomorrow!

However, not being a total idiot (just a half one, thank you) I saved my curses and hex's, freshly learned from Madame Toulouse in New Orleans, until my plane was on the ground in Hotlanta. Then I cursed those in charge of this company to financial ruin. *cue dramatic music* BOMMDUMMMBOMMMMMMM.

You may laugh at me and my curse if you wish (but I wouldn't if I were you, because I will come and find you).

I studied the matter and dashed off an emphatic letter to Delta.

I mentioned how other airlines didn't seem to have a problem with baggage at 52 pounds and did not gouge customers over it. Were their planes rickety and couldn't carry the weight? Also it seems that these other airlines, not raping the customer, seem to be profitable, while Delta is not. Could there be a freakin' connection here? Further, the Sig Ot and I could have each carried two bags weighing 50 lbs a piece. I may have learned math in government controlled public schools but I still know that equals 200lbs as campared to my one bag which weighed 52 lbs. How does that makes sense? Also the penalty is the same for any bag weighing 51 to 70 pds. How is this fair? If you are going to charge this wretched penalty at least pro-rate it per pound. But we all know that this is merely a way to gouge the flying public to make up for your inefficiently ran business.

Or something close to that. Then my final line.

Along with never flying your airline ever again, I will apply a curse on your executive board and you so that your airline will soon be in finacial ruin and bankruptcy. Then may a board with their heads not so embedded in their posteriors take over. You are hereby cursed.


In the weeks that have followed the airline heads ever closer to bankruptcy. A couple of weeks ago many thought they could avoid it.

You can blame the greedy labor union, unwilling to compromise, the inept board, 9/11, whatever, but I think this proves my voodoo magic is a force to be reckoned with.

So don't piss me off.


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