give me an inch, I'll take a kilometer [ 2003-08-14, 5:42 a.m. ]

How screwed up do we Americans have our measuring system? Plenty, man, plenty.

I can remember as child that the textbooks taught the metric system and told us we would be switching by 1990 or something. But it just never happened. Instead we friggin have both! One has to have two sets of tools, metric and "standard" since you will encounter both. Running events are by metric but driving distance is still by miles. With soda's the big jug is a liter or 2 liter size. Yet, if you buy a smaller bottle it's 16oz or 20oz.

I would like to know who screwed all this up so badly! PICK A SYSTEM DAMNIT AND STICK WITH IT, ONE SYSTEM JUST ONE OKAY??!! It's particularily embarrassing because an American (Thomas Jefferson) pretty much invented the metric system. You have to carry a friggin slide rule to buy anything because you have to convert liters to gallons to inches to kilometers. And I have no idea how a bushel and a peck work into it. And just how much is a "buttload" anyway? Isn't that subjective to the capacity of one's posterior? What about "up to my armpits"? Is that different in metric?

Regardless, I say start teaching the metric system to kids as the only system and the old farts who complain will be dead in a few years anyway. That way when my great-grandson travels to Europe one day, and he stops in Holland to ask directions, he'll understand just how far it is when he's told the brothel is 2 kilometers ahead. That is my dream.

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