Blame it on Canada I say. [ 2003-08-15, 7:03 a.m. ]

I wanted to use this entry to have some fun with a friend of mine in New York about how in my "backwater hicktown" (of 4 million people) I have power to burn while she has none and how I was turning on every light and appliance just to flaunt it, but then again she can't read this can she? heh.

Met a fence guy for an estimate on the fence for the new house. Walking the perimeter with him, I realized just how big this back yard is. A good 2/3 of it is nice and grassy with the back third and the sides populated with hardwoods. It will be beautiful. And as a lover of landscaping and gardening, I salivate over this blank canvas I have to use. I can't wait to get there and play in the dirt. Also on the house front I am considering renting rather than selling the old house. I could cover the mortgage and pocket a few hundred a month. I long to be a real estate land baron. Or a slumlord that's good too.

My weekend? oh thanks for asking. Tonight there is a bottle of Lindeman's bin 99 Pinot Noir with my name on it. I think a pasta dish with spinach and fava beans I do will work nicely too. The Braves take on the ugliest man in baseball Randy Johnson tonight and they will dismantle him I assure you. Does it get any better than that?

Tomorrow is the Falcons preseason game I'll be attending and then Sunday golf. In between will be some of the more monotonous aspects of an average American.

Also, I welcome to d'land one of my favorite people in the world. kaystale is not only a vision of lovliness to behold she wields quite a sharp keyboard. She should, she's a journalist. She just set up her journal journal yesterday so there's not much there yet, but when she is up and running you won't be dissapointed. Her daily email exchanges with me are often the bane of my work day. We are some sort of cosmic twins I think.

Not to play favorites I must add that I am also aquainted with two new friends this week boardho and girlryanb. Welcome and may you and everyone else have a great weekend. gp

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics