She's the cats meow. [ 2003-10-06, 7:57 a.m. ]


Friday me and my extended family (dog and cat) officially settled in for our first night. I thought each might require some settling in to their new surroundings. The dog true to form was her fun, playful almost cartoon-character like self. She was having a big time exploring everything. Even the fence which won't be finished until today, hasn't affected her much. She settled into her new place and routine in ohhh. 30 seconds. The cat however...oh my, the cat.

She appeared freaked out from the word go. She appeared a bit edgey during the evening and a bit mouthy but she does have nights like that. And then...

10pm. The poor cat just can't settle down and is confused I feel so sorry for her.

12am. She's still raising hell and performing without pause the cat equivalent of a horror movie scream, but she'll surely tire out soon and go to sleep. Poor, poor thing.

1:30am. Hmm. is there some drug in my medicine cabinet that will knock her out? I try locking her down in the basement. She then proceeds to headbut and claw so as to knock the door down. She comes back in screaming even louder. I direct the dog to severely injure the cat.

3am. Who would miss the cat were she to dissapear? I wonder. There must be a spot to bury a small box in the wooded part of the back yard. The very tired dog and I meet in the kitchen and conspire to bring about the demise of the cat.

4am. The cat decides that under the covers tucked in so far you fear she might smother is sufficient safety to finally sleep. I of course have to get up in two hours to go play tennis. The dog has moved into a remote room across the house to sleep.

Saturday night was a bit better for her. Last night either was a lot better or I was just so tired after all I going on and having had no sleep that I just slept through it.

Today they should finish the fence and the dog can come and go on her own. The cat seemed fairly calm this morning.

The house is still barely set up, but at least the kitchen and living room are almost there. The first thing I realize it now appears I have no furniture when set up in the larger rooms of the new house.

And best of all my drive to work was just wonderful. I made it in 30 minutes flat, a full 10 plus minutes faster than before.

I could still use a nap though.

Good night.

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