What would John Wayne do? WWJWD. [ 2003-10-03, 9:12 a.m. ]

I almost lost it just a bit ago. I mean really lost it.

My stress levels from being in the middle of moving into the new house, a very rough day at work yesterday and well just from being a hyper person, are sky high right now. I am hit with all sorts of nonsense right off the bat this morning and then I get a call from one of the rooms that a surgeon wants to see me.

He asks about the graft he has that I ordered and "who ordered this?" he demanded. Since this happens from time to time especially with this guy, I was ready. I said "You did" and showed him the order from his office. Of course now I have shown up God himself in front of the nurses and his assistant. His face gets red and he says "well this is not what I need, what are YOU going to do, I need it now!". What am I going to do?

Just then I felt a feeling I haven't felt since my last scrape in high school (I tended to get in a scuffle from time to time as I have a big mouth)as the blood rushed to my limbs and I felt my fists clinch. Right here I could vent all my frustration of late and tell this arrogant prick off and everyone would say he had it coming and then just lay a right hook across his dumbass looking face. I could feel all this building to a crescendo within me. What a release that would be just to clock the bastard one good time, screw this job I can get another one.

But no, of course not, I have to be a responsible adult. Ahem. I just walked away and made a call or two and fixed that which was not my fault to start with. Such is life. Living with the screwups of others and taking them on as your own.

You know we had it right on the playgrounds. He would have been taken down a peg or two when I knocked his ass off the monkey bars and he'd have gone home with a skinned knee and a limp. John Wayne would have knocked him around too no matter what. John Wayne ruled.

So it's over now but I have to admit that was quite an adreneline rush to get that pissed off. I think it might be good for us all to do that once in a while rather than bottle it up constantly like we have to.

It's over, it's the weekend, I'm in a new, lovely house, it's all good.

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