who's the master debater? [ 2004-10-13, 2:37 p.m. ]

The best idea I've heard in ages.
Since tonights' debate will be the same old boo-shiote and all, we need something to spice it up. That's why it needs to be turned into a drinking game.
You must drink everytime Kerry says "I've got a plan". Drink everytime Bush says "you have to be firm and resolute". Or "eye-rack". There is no other way I know of to make it through this thing unless you're getting snockered.
I was however very excited to hear from the doltish Edwards yesterday that apparently Kerry will when elected make the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the mute talk. If you want to ever see Little Timmy walk again you'll elect Jesus Kerry president!!
I hope Bush figures out a mouth position tonight. First it was the "scowl". Then while trying to not scowl, he had his mouth at sort of crooked angle line. It sort of looked like he was holding in a bowel movement. I was just sure that at any moment he would grunt and crap his pants like a toddler. What the hell is wrong with him that he has to work so hard on his expression? My gawd.
And mostly playing the drinking game will keep me from sitting and focusing on the fact that one of these clueless twits will be President for the next four years thereby keeping me from putting a revolver to my head and blowing my brains out. urrrhghh.
So drink up! For tomorrow we...well it ain't gonna be good.

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