this is not the end,...well, I don't think so anyway! [ 2004-10-14, 7:08 a.m. ]

A programming note:
Over the last part of October, the near daily juvenile meanderings that appear in this space, will start to become very sporadic. This is due in part to the degrading physical condition I face as well as the ensuing demands of the things I have to get done before November. In early November I will dissapear altogether for a while tied up with surgery and an extended recovery time. Should something not so swell occur the Sig Ot will know how to post a message with that information. Even if not writing as much I will be trying to keep up with and read all of you as much as possible. So even if silent I will be out there, my spectre lingering over the internet like a fart the day after eating Chinese food.
If the only thing I have to write is of the "woe is me" variety, I cannot bring myself to bitch and whine in this space. Don't get me wrong, I'll be bitchin' like there's no tomorrow, but that's the price those who know me in "real" life will have to endure. heh.
Therefore, after this absence I will return when I can report that I once again frolic with the dog in the backyard or I'm playing golf or tennis or maybe even running. All those things that not so long ago I did without thought and which I will never take for granted again, if I am able to regain them in my life.
So then, there is the schedule, as it were.
As I've stated I will be around at least a bit for a while longer, but to those I don't have a chance to exchange pleasantries with for a while I say Peace be with you and talk to you soon.

last - next

4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics