I hate this entry [ 2003-05-21, 6:39 a.m. ]

I like to debate. Sometimes I love nothing more than to sit down and verbally joust with someone for hours. Granted most people can't do this without it getting personal. But when I find one who disagrees with me, and will listen to dissent as well as intelligently lay out their thoughts, I am happy.

Kind of like ravynemyst. I quite often disagree with her or some of the articles she links to. But I love reading it. I will read it first before all others quite often. When I read an article and it raises my blood pressure 100 points that's like a good jolt of caffeine in the morning. I am then energized to organize my own thoughts on a subject that I've never given a lot of thought to. I admire someone who believes in something and goes for it. In this case it's largely a hatred of George W. but hey, we all have things we love to hate.

What do I hate? I hate the New York Mets and Yankees. I hate the puckered assed Ultra Conservative Republicans and the whimpering, sniveling Liberal Democrats. I hate having to work. I hate Celine Dione (sp?). I hate paying taxes.

And I have fun hating many of these things. If I can root against the New York Mets, I am one happy camper. But I think way too many people take themselves and what they disagree with way too seriously. We are nation absolutely over-flowing with self-importance. Everybody needs to lighten up a bit. I deal with people every day who I am sure just need to go home, have a few drinks and get laid and get over themselves. Hmmm. I'll think I could stand some of that myself.

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