It's a good thing I left my gun at home today [ 2003-12-04, 5:05 p.m. ]

man oh man what a day.

I had two major altercations with co-workers. Everyone is so over worked these days that it's a pressure cooker in there. I am generally almost calm and thick-skinned to a fault at work, but I can go volcanic when I've had enough. I had enough today. I even did something I never do and wrote one of them up. But I do have to say that I am hellaciously awesome in these situations. I can spew forth ad nauseum until the opponent leaves or breaks down. I can be a real sonnovabitch I promise. heh. I had some line about not knowing what "clown college" the person must have come from. I don't know what that hell I meant by that or where it came from but it seemed to really hit the mark. Clown College. hmmm.

In fact, I say screw that office party Saturday night. I mean my bosses are actually cool as are most of my fellow managers. But I don't want to spend my free time acting like I am happy to be there with some of these fools I am forced to suffer daily. To spend a nice evening with the S.O. and dog and cat and maybe watch Georgia-LSU, have a few drinks and a nice dinner. Now that sounds like a nice evening. Not fake smiling my way through a line to eat pigs in a blanket.

Sunday is going to be a blast anyway. The pupdog is going to a sitter, then I am going downtown to stay FREE at a swank hotel, dinner at the restraunt that spins in a circle and walk over to watch the return of Mike Vick at the Dome, then crash at the hotel. I can drink 300 of the big 24oz beers and not have to worry about driving. Yesirree.

Then I'll take my hungover ass into work late Monday a.m. and let my crankiness work for me.


Is it just me or does guestbook kinda suck quite often? I know it's free and all but geez. I probably only get half of my pithy little quotes to go through. Or I get that "oops can't sign again" message when it's my first G.D. time trying. If you are a buddy and if you have email, then I will use that to share my little comments with you. Like this:

"Yes, I agree I hate turnips too. by the way I'm not wearing pants"

"Word to your mothers fathers donkey! I too think there should be a law against ugly people going out in public"

See what you miss when I can't leave a guest book note?

And that gawdforsaken Clay Aiken and his new song. It is catchy as all hell. It's not the sort of fare that I play in my car or at home at all. BUT I hear it at the grocery store, as I pass other people's desks on their radio, everywhere it seems to pervade. And then it's stuck in my head. I don't know many words (that's probably fortunate) of the song, so I kinda make up my own as it plays in my head. I will admit to some extra-cirricular kicks from that.

uggghhhh Calgon take me away.

good night.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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