I still giggle when someone gets a green one. [ 2004-01-20, 9:15 a.m. ]

It was my intention to write about the Demo Caucusesese-ases last night but there is another issue I just can't hold back.

Will they stop it with the M&M color thing? Enough is enough people! Stop the insanity now!

I'm not a huge candy eater mind you, but I do like me some m&m's from time to time and they are particularily good with beer. Try it, I swear. But I'm at my limit with the freaky-ass colors. First it was blue. That's just not right. When I was kid blue was synonomous with windex or poison and to then make it a delicious candy is just dangerous.

At first I was okay with the "special" holiday colors and whatnot like the pastels at Easter but that's how these people operate. They slide that in on you and the next thing you know you're pulling out a hot pink M&M from the package. And I saw a commercial last night for a contest for coming up with new colors or something. Dammit!

It's Big Candy people! I haven't figured all out yet but I think Bush and Cheney and Halliburton is behind this somehow to scam us! But I'm on to the bastards. They get you to vote on-line for a color and then the F.B.I tracks you through your url. Then the government knows your preference for M&M color!! And as we know, knowing someone's m&m color preference is like looking deep into their soul! That's how Big Candy and Bush and Cheney and Halliburton are going to scam us all out of our money and freedoms! It's sinister I tell ya!

Is it too much to ask to have something stay the same and be depended on any longer? Britney is not a virgin and instead a drunken slut getting married in Vegas, Michael Jackson sleeps with children, Madonna is now a married house-wife, I can't take any more change.

Leave my M&M's alone or else! I'll go on a tear that will make Howard Dean look like Mr. Rogers, I swear it!

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