...from the desk of the gutterpoet [ 2004-01-17, 10:33 a.m. ]

Saturday. Sattturrrdayyy. Ok.

Since I have worked ohhhh 2 killabillion hours this week and am way behind in correspondences of every sort, I'll pause here to answer a few of the queries and comments tossed this way the last few days.

Firstly, when I said to not "censor" yourself with the pic contest, really I meant as far as language regarding your message about me, certainly not to encourage nudity. Now I most certainly have no problem with nudity but I plan to use this picture on my site so...

The current picture beside this message is one I do not appear in. Actually these guys have an interesting website. I was searching Britney Spears (for official business I assure you) and with current hoopla surrounding her wanted a pic where she was making a goofy face or something to use on my page. I didn't really find anything, but I found a link to "Britney Spears guide to physics" which I HAD to click on. These guys have put lectures on physics on a website and put Britney pics beside it to draw hits. Clever, clever. Then I saw their picture, the one I use and I knew THAT had to grace my page for a while. I won't link to their site since I am "stealing" their picture but it's easily found in google.

Also, when making my "world famous chili" I prefer to use half Italian sausage, half ground beef. However, I've used chicken and pork as well and had great results.

Lastly, let it not be construed that I am at odds with my tennis teammates. I was merely pointing out a difference in philosophies. Each and every one has my full support. Let's kick ass this week!

I think that covers the pressing issues of the day. I hope this weekend to catch up with everyone and drop as many incoherent notes to them as I can.

last - next

4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics