sir, please sign your deposit slip [ 2004-01-21, 5:56 p.m. ]

Okay so this entry will struggle to stay PG-13. We're all over 13 here aren't we? Ok, it's likely I have the maturity of a 10 year old but my Mom said it's ok so...

I read this article. And yeah I laughed muchly. Basically, they are running quite short of sperm donors in the UK especially in light of a new reg that will make the donor's identity available to the child. It's a serious issue to those concerned I am sure. But the reporter used phrases like "supply drying up" and donors "coming forward", and I just know that was not an accident. And apparently there's a lot of extra sperm to be had in Denmark ladies (or gentlemen if the case may be) as it is being imported from there currently. "Hmmm. I think this is a Danish import from 2002, very frothy, with a oak finish". Oh dear.

But let us toss aside the sperm part of this (wow, I see how tough it must have been for the reporter now)and look at the other issue.

Some crusading do-gooder decides that the right of a child to know it's origins outweighs the donor's right to remain unknown. The government passes a law. Now no one wants to donate. You fear that at some point years later an 18 year old will show up at your door and ask "did you jerk off into a cup and become my daddy?". I mean what would you say? "Yeah I did, it was that Catherine Zeta Jones, gets me every time". I guess on some level I can understand the child's curiousity, but a family raised you and to me that's your real family.

Once again the government gets involved with I suppose good intentions, though that may be debatable, and the net effect is that at least some couples who want to have a child won't be able to. Look at the crazy things that could happen. The child ends up with a defect of some sort, he or she sues the donor! Don't say it couldn't happen, crazier stuff happens every day.

Anyway, I clicked on this and initially laughed because yes I am juvenile, but underneath the story was a sad tale of government intervention where it's not needed. The questionable rights of a few, impact the future of a worthy and giving act.

Instead of trying to thrust them into the light of day, they should be instead be extending sperm donors a helping hand.

I am so sorry I couldn't help that one. This is why I could never be a reporter.

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