a gutterpoet endorsement [ 2004-10-11, 8:26 a.m. ]

This entry finds me at home waiting for the pain pills to do their thing so that I may head to work, albiet late. In the meantime...
As this nasty political process continues and I consider choices for President, many factors are involved. For someone like me, who enjoys commenting and mocking the self important politicians, the question is who would I enjoy ridiculing and mocking the next four years.
I've enjoyed blasting Bush since 2000 from time to time. My impersonation of him saying the word "terror" like "tara" (why would he attack the mythical estate in Gone with the wind?) and "terroristsssistssstss" has earned me many a laugh. His outspending the biggest tax and spend commie libs has caused me to rattle on ad nauseum to anyone who'll listen. But let's face it. If you are under 50 or so, it's tres chic and trendy that you dispise Bush. If you are 20-30 it's a virtual religon. And he's such an easy target. There's no longer much sport in it. If something is so trendy it becomes a cliche' then my rebellion impulse kicks in. Plus I think Kerry has no real plan for anything, so he will appear clueless with the sort of things I fear will be on our horizon.
I think both candidates suck to be honest, but I think I will give a slight nod to Kerry...
So I can mock him unmercifully, mind you. The Kerry supporters who have no real love for him or any idea of what he stands for, will be shell shocked for the first year or so and I will have carte blanche with my mocking. Yes, a Kerry win ensures my commenting and ridiculing pleasure for years.
Go Kerry.
Because it IS always about me and my enjoyment. heh.

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