rip rip gonna rip it out now [ 2004-10-07, 8:02 a.m. ]

Ahh the die is cast.
Looks like none of the conservative approaches are going to work. Therefore, I will have surgery to remove the offending part of my disc probably next month.
Me? I'm just ready for it. Rip it out and rip it out now. I see these sort of things done here every day, piece of cake. ahem.
The worst part though is that since I work at a surgery center my insurance pretty much dictates I have my epidurals and surgery done here. Great, now I've got to worry if I've pissed anyone off lately who might be out for revenge! With my mouth, that could be a rather lengthy list. And of course I can't go anywhere in this building without having to having to have a conversation about it IN DEPTH CONVERSATION. It's bad enough to have it going on without having to talk about it all day with type A medical professionals who all have an opinion on what I should be doing.
At this point they can give me a bullet and a shot of whiskey and go to it. I want my life back.
One good note was that at physical therapy I have been permanently assigned to the very lovely Suzanne, a student trainee, for all my torturing needs. Apparently we "hit it off" so well that she requested it. Of course we hit it off my flirt reflex always kicks in when surrounded by hotness. Really it matters not, but I say if I have to endure pain and punishment that I may as well at least have a scenic view. If you know what I mean.
Also of note, my father is driving down this weekend to work on the lower deck I had planned to build this fall. Hopefully I'll be able to help some anyway. And luckily the Sig Ot is quite handy with power tools and carpentry runs through her blood. Ya gotta love a woman who knows how to handle wood. ahem.
But getting that done will be a load off my mind. I can move my grill and the glider down there freeing up the upper deck to have room for the table and chairs. So next spring I can host major cooking out parties in style. Also I plan to surround the lower deck with a herb garden. I found this year that I often opted not to use fresh herbs rather than walk across the yard to harvest them.
Eegads will this day ever end?

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