I swear I'm not drunk [ 2003-09-07, 8:12 a.m. ]


A sleepy, cloudy, quiet Sunday. Nothing wrong with that in the least.

Yesterday was a blur, tomorrow seems like a chore so I will grasp this quiet moment and put it in my pocket to keep and have when I need it. ahh only if such things were possible.

It seems I used to always have an agenda mapped out in my life, but these days I am always out of breath from running after some agenda set by those unknown to me, likely sitting in their comfortable chairs devising mayhem. One day for certain, I will find these evil-doers and rightly take back my time so that I may again revel in idleness and frivolity. Oh I can escape and will in the next few days take off and hide for a short while, but they know how to find me and then I will brought back to face their plots and plans all done with my own approbation. Yes, yes the pursuit of so-called happiness

Is there really a more simple life out there though? Is there fullfillment outside of a better car, a bigger house, a big screen TV, a better job, dating one of the Hilton sisters etc?

I have always known that with all my insufferable prose of such things (like above)that if you threw me onto a farm in seclusion somewhere to experience the glorius simplicity of living off the land and toiling in the soil, I'd be bored in no time, longing for social interaction and electronic noise. Although I must say that as time marches by, I do find myself enjoying seclusion more than I ever thought possible.

I think I currently pursue a middle ground to all this, maybe someday I'll arrive at just the right mixture. I moved to my current residence and loved being away from it all, but still able to do whatever I needed with a 30 minute drive. Now in just a couple of years it has all followed me out here. So I move again to a place "way out there" yet still I can drive to all that I need with a short drive. But how long before Target and Old Navy again decide to find me and have me and my wallet closer?

In the meantime, I think I'll just get some more coffee and pet the dog and milk this peaceful moment of rumination for all it's worth.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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