Detante? My arse. [ 2003-08-25, 9:13 a.m. ]

The Bees and I used to have an understanding.

It's over.

I have always been one in harmony with our fuzzy insect friends. When one gets in the house, I try to let it free without harm. I remove hives or nests in such a way that no harm comes to the larvae inside. I delight when they buzz around the flowers in my yard.

It's over.

In return for this they don't sting me or harrass me. They make me look good in front of my friends and impress females. I've seen grown men, burly men, manly men, flutter their arms and squeal like a little girl with a bee swarming near them. I tell people, just sit still and calm and the bee will move on, don't show fear! So I am kind of the bee version of the Crocodile Hunter guy, except with a better haircut.

It's over.

Yesterday while playing golf, I laughed at my friends flailing about in the previously mentioned manner on the 8th hole. On the ninth my tee shot went errant (I know it's tough to imagine) and as I was having a red hot round I went to see if I could retrieve it and play it somehow and save a stroke. A bit in the woods I saw some yellow-jackets flying near the ground (as they are ground dwellars, impressed by my knowledge? No? Fine then!) and I of course unfazed walked right past them calmly and slowly knowing all would be well. One of the little bastards stung me! This is not supposed to happen. Somebody missed a memo somewhere. I had a huge dagger of a stinger in me and man but it hurt.

Being a male specimen literally dripping with testosterone (it can make a mess too) I of course hobbled on and finished my round. But I did not finish as strong as I started and I attribute this entirely to the actions of this felonious insect.

Thus, let me say right here and now, the next bee-like creature I see gets it. I don't care that it was just one bee among many and I should punish a whole species blah blah blah. But dammit a message must be sent because if this type of behavior is allowed once, they'll never stop.

Detante? My ass.

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