Let's go see the dead people [ 2003-06-27, 5:18 a.m. ]

Bored this weekend? Looking for something to do? Well if you're in Atlanta you can go see the dead people on display! No, I'm not talking about the carnage that litters the streets of downtown after a normal Friday night in Hotlanta, I'm talking famous people. You've got the former mayor, Maynard Jackson laying out like a display of peaches at a supermarket at Morehouse while the former governor Lester Maddox is at the State Capital. So if you're running around midtown tonight and you wonder what that smell is in the air, well.. I don't quite get this fascination with viewing these bodies. But hey I just heard about Strom Thurmond over in SC! Maybe they could "bus" his body over this way and make a real carcus party. (you see that's a joke, to "bus" him over because he was against..oh never mind segregationist humor about a dead body is hard to score with!)

Also in the news the Supreme Court striking down the anti-sodomy laws in Texas. A couple of my friends have taken glee in emailing me to get my opinion. They think I'll be boxed into saying I support the state with my Libertarian anti-big government theories. But they are not as clever as they think. Remember an individual's right to self-determination trumps a state's right everyday. Rock, paper, scissors ya know.

So I support the view of the court. Do a man, do a woman, do an antelope for all I care, whatever gets through the night partner. I don't really get very worked up over such things.

It's the weekend and that's always a good thing in my book. I say in honor of the Court's and the dead people, go out this weekend find your favorite dead person and...oh wait that's not good. Let's try again....Make a friend feel better by sod....no wait...I can do this...It's a Sammy Hagar weekend let's have sex and take lots of drugs! (who did that song? I can't recall) ehhhh....

Everybody just have a good one, okay?

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