-A man of vision and action! [ 2003-06-26, 6:34 a.m. ]

His day began just before dawn. There was something special in the air he noted. While still dark out, the birds were already warming up their songs for the day and amid this backdrop the decision was made. This would be THE day. It would all change. No longer a prcrastinator, he would become a man of action, a man on a mission. He would today drop off the paperwork for the title he lost to the old car he wanted to get rid of. For weeks this had been delayed for one reason or another but not today! For he was a man of vision and purpose.

The key was to leave work by 4 at the latest to make it by the office. This meant an early start on the days work. There was no packing a lunch, no petting the dog, just out the door that morning. He made it to work a full half an hour early, every bit the picture of a man of action and purpose.

With the same work ethic that his forefathers must have used in forging this great land, he labored steady and strong to complete the days tasks. Like the men who labored with their bare hands and strong backs he hammered...okay, he pounded out on a keyboard orders for products from around the entire globe anticipating with alarming vision and accumen what needed to be ordered. Because he was a man of...well, you know.

Next came the expected late afternoon rush of emergencies. This was where it all usually broke down. Had he anticipated some of the requests already? Sure enough the usual "without this tomorrow thousands of children will die here" requests poured in. With the same wonderful mix of purpose and mental drive that had gotten him this far he tackled each and every one, making it out the door right at 4pm.

Next the drive. In the best of times it's a 45 minute drive, but a traffic mishap anywhere along the line could foul it all up. But he knew the road well. This mix of experience and cunning and desire would be necessary to make it on time. It was a thing of beauty to watch, as he was always in the correct lane at the correct time. He knew the proper speed to make the lights yet not get busted for speeding. To the casual observer he was just a man going home from work but here he was a new man, a man who got things done!

Triumphantly he parked in the parking lot of the proper building. Strutting proudly, he walked the walk of a man of vision and purpose a man who was a....COMPLETE IDIOT!!!! He had left the necessary paperwork on the table that morning being in such a hurry to head out. A man of vision? nah. Just a man.

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