No, I'm more crack addicted than you! [ 2003-11-05, 11:35 a.m. ]

Whoa. It's been a day or two eh?

I think mostly because I've been in a place where I have no thoughts of anything that extends beyond my nose, if you know what I mean. I think that is because of the whole recovery from the third-worldish Measles thing. Also I've been working freakishly hard in the backyard well into the darkness. I don't know, but I've made good progress at any rate.

One thing I did notice of the outside world was that Rock the Vote dealie-o the other night, last night? Whatever night.

Please oh please tell me that this group was in no way indicative of current college age people. I know that I have that age group on my list and for the most part they are intelligent, thoughtful people. I don't care about the political bend of anyone there but I sincerely hope these freaks who were in attendance are NOT allowed to vote!!

Question 1:

Hi, like, I'm Amanda McGuyver hyphen Brown hyphen Esteban hyphen Polanski and I like attend Cornell University and stuff, ya know. And like, I was thinking and stuff or something and I think that it's like good to care about things and stuff, ya know? Do you agree with that or something?

Question 2: Duuuuude! I'm Burn Afattone from NYU and duuude, I have a two part question. Do you guys like hit the chronic and all and if so, do you have some I can like borrow?

Question 3: Hi! OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH. I'm Hillary Banger from Upstate. Like Bill Clinton was the best President ever because he played sax and stuff and like do you play with things too, I mean like he did yaknowhatImean or something? Coz, that would really rock my vote and all.

Oh the humanity.

And these candidates were falling all over themselves to cater to these people. They were "dressed down" with a tie and rolled up sleeves to show they were "down" with the kids. They fell all over themselves to appear to relate to the issues.

John Kerry: "Yes I smoked pot, in fact, I along with Al Gore invented the bong, hell I'm stoned right now.

Wesley Clarke: "That's not true! No one is more stoned than me man! I can't feel my legs I tell ya."

Dwarf No. 6: "These candidates cannot say they have the experience I do in dealing with everyday issues. I was a crack-addicted transvestite, Aids riddled welfare Mom in an inner city for 30 years. I know how you feel!"

Does no one have any dignity any more?

You take these suck ups and throw in the current occupant of the office and all I can say is that I wish there was a place on the ballot to vote "None for me thank you, get better candidates and try again."

Or like, something ya know?

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once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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