Rebel without a cord [ 2003-09-27, 7:13 a.m. ]

I've been contemplating something for a while now. Dumping my old land telephone line and switching to just a cell phone.

But it's tough to let go! I can still picture the old rotary dial phones like my grandma had. It must have weighed 30 pounds it seemed to lift the phone off the receiver and then the damned thing was bigger than your head. No cordless, you attached to the person on the other end as if they could start pulling on the their line and engage you in a tug o' war.

But I don't even use that damned phone. Because of the damned tele-freaks calling, I have caller ID. I get tired of running to the phone just to see "unknown caller" appear that I just let the phone ring and see if a voice I recognize starts leaving a message. This last week for instance I didn't use the phone once except to clear tele-freak messages.

Of course I have my problems with cell phones too. My current one seems work about 50% of the time. Just the other day the Sig-Ot was driving directly behind me as we had met up after work. I called to ask something. The first time it won't go through the second time, I get about 5 seconds and it cuts off. I mean geezus, she was right behind me not 20 feet. I could have gotten two dixie cups, some yarn and fashioned a more effective communication!!!

But hell, I'm not much for phone chatting anyway. As my friends and family would admit, I tend to act like the phone is set to explode at the two minute mark during conversations. So what do I care if my cell routes my call through Indonesia to call down the block.

Plus, if you're sqeamish don't you ever look at your phone bill in detail. The basic service is like five bucks. Then all these taxes and fees. One is so homeless people and teens can have porn access in libraries. Hey, earn your porn viewing rights like I have! Another is so people who can't pay their bills can have phone service. What the hell? When did having a phone become a right? So I am paying for all sorts of stupidity for something I never use. There is the 911 charge but I get that on my cell phone too, so it's like I'm double-taxed.

Screw you Ma Bell. I'm going into the great cellular yonder without you.

I feel so free so liberated!

Okay at least I'll save 30 bucks a month.

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