The God race and birdball [ 2004-07-11, 7:06 a.m. ]

It being Sunday and all...

I began thinking about the word "Godspeed". To tell someone "godspeed" are you telling them to go really fast? Is god's speed a fast one? Also isn't the speed of your god subjective to which god you worship? Maybe your Nordic god is fast as hell, but a Eastern Buddah god is sort of portly and slow, so it really is subjective to your beliefs. Should the quickness of your god be a determining factor in your religious orientation? And what of druids? A tree can't move at all so it has no speed at all. Do you say "godstayrightthere" instead?

Alright so I googled and know the exact origin and meaning of the term "godspeed". Whoopee. Having your facts right ruins everything!

I prefer to think of the day when it will be an ulitimate showdown between all religious icons. A battle royale'!

We'll see who has real godspeed then.

As you can see I have a great penchant for turning anything into an organized sport. It is a gift. I am very Abner Doubleday-ish in that way. When I was a kid I could take any kid activity and organize it into an actual sport including rules and standings and championships.

Perhaps my favorite was "birdball". We had an old bird bath missing the top part so that all that was left was the hollowed out stand. You took a tennis ball and you tried to land the ball down into the stand. This evolved into a basketball sort of game and you had to bounce the ball once on the ground before it went it. Like playing "quarters". Having made the rules (likely to suit my own skills) it's no surprise that I was supreme champion of "birdball" two years running.

There was the horrible upset loss to the girl down the street the third year on a still very hotly disputed call by the referee.

The next year our group of boys and girls started sprouting things all over our bodies that distracted us from the neighborhood pastime.

I may have retired from birdball but it will always be in my blood.

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