little white balls [ 2003-03-24, 9:40 a.m. ]

First today a program note. I will be away from work and home and yes, the internet, starting Wed. p.m until Sunday. I will be spending four days whacking at a little white ball with a stick and making it go across vast acreage into a tiny hole in the ground. Yes, kind of silly when you think about it. But there is something about it that really recharges you. The elation at a great shot, the cursing and pounding the ground on a bad shot. In other words it shakes you from the robotic haze we exist in these days. You breathe in the air, sneeze from the pollen, you live life! For most of us, our days are defined by the clank, clank of a keyboard of emails and interaction only with a lifeless stream of electronice data. We talk to our friends with voiceless words and linked forwards. I don't even know what the voices of many I call "friend" sound like! We are disconnected from our friends, family and co-workers except through cold, electronic pulses of communication.

So then back to the little white ball. There is something so primal to our being, our soul, about games and activities like this. You can be a kid again to some degree. The stress and strain of your everyday adult life and the ever chaotic world around us are gone and replaced with the whoosh through the air of your club and the smell of grass and the sounds of birds. I suck pretty much at this game. But that is not the point. The point is the pursuit of that one or two moments when it all comes together and you hit a shot just like Tiger Woods does. That is a feeling that can't be compared I don't think.

I hope to come back relaxed and recharged and rejuvenated.

And back in the real world, that ought to last about an hour. But it'll be a nice hour.

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