Women you can't live with them... [ 2003-05-12, 9:17 a.m. ]

At the risk of the women in my life getting all conceited and crap, I have an admission to make. Women are superior to men.

I guess I know this or have known this for a while but recently I've thought more about this. For example, Friday night I wanted to get an afterwork beer. So do I seek out guys for beer and burping and leering at waitresses? No, it was a female friend of mine, I hadn't seen for a while I wanted to catch up on things with. It was pleasant and relaxing and enjoyable. And no, it wasn't a female in whom I was pretending to care what she said while I looked down her shirt or waited for the alcohol to kick in to make my move on, just friendly intentions.

Now I certainly have guy friends and I certainly am a manly man I promise you (as readers will remember I scoff at men who cry with the exception when your dog dies) but my best friends are always women. Women are more intelligent, can chat about numerous subjects not just one or two, offer good advice and can be counted on in most instances. And they smell nice!

Fortunately for me, the current main female in my life, is cool with my female friends, because I really enjoy the social aspects of having them as good friends, even just the emails. Heck even on my on-line journal lists most of my buddies and faves tend to be female.

So, I, a red-blooded American male will admit right here publicly, that I think even women I am not trying to sleep with are great.

Between this admission, and my constant telling of the "man secrets" to my women friends for them to use, the Man Mafia will surely have placed me on the hit list.

Men are ok and I guess I will still go out every now and then with the boys and belch and fart and grab my groin while yelling at girls "Shake it don't break it baby" to keep my membership card current.

Or maybe I just at some point did the "if you can't beat them join them" thing.

Or maybe at some point I grew out of the typically juvenile average male thing.

hmmmm. I doubt that last one, but at any rate...

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