War! Huhhoa! Good Gawd Y'all! [ 2003-03-18, 7:07 a.m. ]

Fear not. I'm not really going to talk about the impending war. I'm going to talk about the People who are talking about the war in forums such as this one. Now I realize each is entitled to their own thoughts and all that jazz, so I simply offer mine about theirs. (What a bizarre sentence that became).

Some try the "humor" route. Unhappily, most are tired jokes and cliche's.

"What's the weather forecast for Iraq?"

etc. gag.

Many use the innovative "George Bush is a cowboy from Texas" approach. Wow, how DID you come up with that one!

Come on people, let's stop repeating the same boring, lazy cliche's!

Mention that George Bush really looks like a monkey in the face. Or Saddam has a bad 70's porn mustache. Something, anything!

Maybe the worst are the earnest attempts at comment on the war.

The hippie, peace thing.

"Like really, ya know? Peace is like the answer or something I think, You can't just kill people it's not peaceful ya know? Like, dude, what has he done to us dude?" drivel, drivel. Thanks public school system.

Or the Rednecks. "That Sodam Insane. We just need to nuke all them ter-oar-ists at one time". uhhhhh.

Now I do realize I shouldn't expect illumination from your average Joe's diary, especially when major news organizations don't have the facts right. But isn't there a voice out there of intelligence and foresight? (Modesty of course means I can't mention myself, ahem.)

Yes there is! A few days ago I read this.

Now maybe my friend meant something different and she can correct me, but it really struck me that no one was thinking about the Iraqi people enough in the whole thing.

I went back and read and read. Some things I had forgotten. The torture chambers, the raping of children, the gassing of civilians. Yes, it changed my focus and it changed my thinking. Those people deserve a chance. They may or not make democracy work but at least they'll have the opportunity. Give peace a chance? Okay. But how about giving the sons and daughters of Iraq a chance.

I guess in the end I did write a bit about the war, so sue me.

But at least I didn't give you the weather forecast for Baghdad!

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