The "truth" about butts. [ 2003-03-17, 7:28 a.m. ]

Let me say right up front that I am a non-smoker. I never have and it's not allowed in my house or vehicle. But if you want to smoke, then I say that's your business.

That being clear let me say how much I loathe these "" people. You've seen the commercials where these morons walk around with a bull horn harrassing people to compensate I'd imagine, for having small wee-wee's.

Why you say cigarettes are bad for you? Groundbreaking info there Skippy. And furthermore, that companies who produce this legal product try to sell their product? Oh my God, stop the presses! I thank God every day that we have these weird little bed-wetters to tell us what we are too dumb to know. I find them and their pushy activism so off-putting that I wish I could bring myself to smoke just to thwart them in some way. You see, I would tend to be on their side, but they are so irritating and you can tell that they bring other "agendas" to the table, and so they lose me, someone who agrees with them.

Their contention apparently, is that the average consumer is too dim witted to have heard by now what smoking does to you. And that these tobacco conglomerates work like evil scientist in their labs to turn everyone into addicts of the evil weed. Take your condescending preaching and anti-business socialism to Europe where it will fit in, morons.

I realize people do become addicted to the chemicals. But I don't believe that people can't quit if they really want to. I also don't believe there is anyone who started smoking under the assumption that it was good for you in anyway. And hell some people live to 100 smoking every day.

If it is that dangerous then make it illegal. But if it is legal and the pack says "smoke these and die" and people so choose then so be it. That's called freedom pal and that's America.

We could change the name to "stating something so obvious a three year old knows it".com.

But I swear if I ever encounter these annoying people on the street a megaphone will be inserted on where it ought not go and as a non-smoker with full lung capacity I can make that happen buddy boy.

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