Smited Down! [ 2003-11-14, 1:33 p.m. ]

This entry is like one of those moments in a tv show where the actor turns and speaks to the camera in a scene. That's a pet peeve of mine by the way.


I had a huge entry going this morning. A funny entry too. Really, I swear! Not my usual idiot-rant but good stuff. I was even laughing out loud as I typed it. It centered around me at the admission area to heaven griping about things and finally being sent away. I told him at one point: "So evil is unleashed on us because Eve ate an apple? A perfectly harmless fruit! Isn't that a bit harsh? It wasn't like she started dating Puff Daddy or something!"

Near the end I had a feeling wash over me. That deja vu feeling. I just knew that the reason the story was flowing so well was that I was ripping myself off! I had done nearly the exact entry before! Well, damn. I did a edit/copy on it and went back to search for the previous entry. Despite being so sure of myself I could not find it in my archives. (I really do need to archive some older entries geesh) I shook my head and went back to reenter. Just at that moment I got a flash message to back out of the system immediately or my head would be blown off. Or maybe for a virus update, either way I complied with the request. When I rebooted my copy of the text was gone. So I restarted the entry. I found I no longer could recall the flow I had going. It was not only not funny it made zero sense! I had just been typing it 15 minutes earlier.

I'm not saying this was some sort of other-worldly being stepping in to stop my somewhat sacreligous mocking story but hey, it's just a little diary entry so let's not take chances I say.

I'm not superstitous but if while walking under a ladder, a black cat crossed in front of me as I acidentally broke a mirror...well, I might stay inside for a while just to be safe.

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