Smile! You're on Naked Camera [ 2003-06-17, 6:38 a.m. ]

The common thread in my mindset these days continues. It's summer, slow it down a bit I keep telling myself. But I'm not sure I know how!

Also it seems common that I learn some kernel of wisdom from my ever faithful canine companion. I don't know what this says about me. Does it mean I am so open and observant that I can learn valuable things from a dog or whether I am so simple that a dog has things more figured out than I do. It's probably a tossup.

So yesterday I work something like 11 hours, stop to run three miles, then stagger home and it's already 7:30. I briefly say hi to "she who only keeps me for my cooking" and threw together a chicken and rice thingamabob and by 8:30 or so we finished dinner. I tried to watch tv for a bit but I am so tired and stressed and mangled I am ready for bed although it's not even dark yet (what a gripping life I do lead) Nikki the wonderdog goes to the back door and stands to be let out. I open the door but she does this thing where she stands half way out until I go with her. This is usually to get me to play ball or show me a rabbit or something she has killed. So I sigh and oblige by stepping out on the deck. But she doesn't go anywhere she just stands there with me. She looks towards the woods then at me a few times. Then I realize just how cool the scene is she has dragged me into. It's just at that moment as it's getting dark. Fireflies (lightenin' bugs down south) are everywhere, the symphony of tree frogs and insects too numerous to mention plays as a soundtrack. A more serene and tranquil moment you could not have had mail ordered. After a few minutes, I turn to go in and Nik follows as if that had been her only reason for going out. hmmm. Point taken. I need to allow a few minutes to notice these things more.

Let's pencil a moment or two of that every night into my summer relaxation plan. Of course this is the same dog who also woke me up at about 3am during a thunderstorm because she wanted to go out! Then it's tough to go back to sleep when you know the alarm is going off at 5. ahem.

But while I was up I caught this film that was on a movie channel. It was by Alan Funt of Candid Camera fame. But it was titled "What do you say to a naked woman?" from 1970. So you can see why I stopped right there. It was pretty much a R rated Candid Camera episode. But how weird to see. The gag was a naked woman would get off an elevator and people would freak out. And so on and so on. He seemed to be trying to make some sort of statement. I guess in 1970 it made sense, but it seemed more like something from "The Man Show" than any kind of expose' on the attitudes towards sex in the 70's. Or maybe I dreamed all this.

What would I say to a stark raving naked lady, you may ask? Usually by the time I have managed to arrange that state of undress believe me, I've had to do a lot of talking already.

So it's 7am here I am at work again and my shoulder is already throbbing and knotted up. This summer of relaxation thing is going to be harder than I thought. Maybe I just need to go home later and follow the dog and the cat around. Trust me, these are two creatures who have relaxation down to a fine art.

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