No news is good news [ 2003-06-12, 6:03 a.m. ]

I am a self-confessed news and politics junkie. But even with my high threshold for rhetoric and spin and non-answer answers, I think I need a break!

The news channels every five seconds assuring me that their news is fair, unbiased and accurate. Why, they say, we have no opinion whatsover. No spin, no bias, blah blah blah. Bullshiote as my Grandma would have said (actually she would have said "bullharkey"). She often told me that the more someone tells you what they are, the more you can be sure that's what they are not. Indeed. But no opinion on what you report? Impossible I say. If me, you and your cousin Earl witness let's say, a juggling midget getting hit by 30 clowns piled into a Ford Festiva, we would all three have different reports about the same incident. That's just human. Have your bias, say what you think and I will decide if you are insane or not. These void humans who can have no bias must be a kick to hang out and party with don't you think?

I got a flyer from my congressman in the mail. On it I was told how he had been a leader with his "bipartisan" voting record and a survey for me to fill out on several issues. Listen, jackass, I didn't send you to congress (actually I didn't, I voted for his opponent) to have you stick your finger in the wind every time a vote comes up. I'm busy here so vote as you will and if you suck, you won't go back. Bi-partisan? Who can tell the difference in Dems and Repubs any more anyway? It's the same party now. The "voting in order to win re-election only" party.

Again with the supposed no opinion. But it's not really true is it, it's a lie. Fox will have a poll that says 80% of Americans want to have GWB's lovechild. Whereas CNN will say that 80% think he's the anti-christ. For every whacko interest out there is a poll backing their point. Think about the people you've encountered in the past hour or so. THESE are the people whose opinion is being touted in these polls! I know. It's frightening.

But I am taking the summer off from it all. You know they've been fighting over a few inches of real estate in the Middle East for a good couple thousand years, it'll still be going on in the fall. I don't need to hear it. Nikki and I will be on the front porch and I'll have a glass of Lindeman's Bin 99 Pinot Noir in my hands as I sip the nectar of the Gods and mock my neighbors. It's going to be a good summer.

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