I am not dating Jessica Simpson, I swear. [ 2003-12-17, 7:29 a.m. ]

Of course my diary would be remiss if I did not touch upon the dramatic events of the past weekend. That's right, the rat was caught in his hole and unmasked for all the world to see how pathetic he is and how small, small a man he really is. But enough about Howard Dean....

Speaking of politics though. I feel for my liberal friends. (And by the way as someone who's beliefs are a mix of the liberal and sometimes conservative, I promise you I'll choose to hang out with a commie lib any day over some self righteous conservative but anyway...) But something worse than the capture of Saddam is for Dems happened over the weekend. Ralph Nader may be running again. For all the wasted rhetoric about Florida and stealing the election Ol'Ralph is the reason Gore lost. Put those 200k Florida votes in the Dem column and voila. What did he take nationally 3%? Again there's your victory. Just like what that kook Perot did to George the First back in the 90's. In fact Clinton never got close to 50% of the vote, but Pee-rot took Republican votes. Rather than whine about how "unfair" your perceived conspiracy was, if you simply focused on keeping Ralphie out of the race you might have a small chance.

Actually as one who believes the two party system is corrupt and ends up being a choice between Dumb and Dumber, it is interesting that a third party candidate has basically decided two of the last three elections. I can't wait to see what my beloved Libertarian Party trots out this year. No doubt a 45 year old man who lives in his Mom's basement and spends his free time dressed as a Klingon at Dragoncon or Trekcon or whatever. Jiminy Christmas. Well as they say, Rome wasn't destroyed in a day. One day we too will be able to field an empty-headed but pretty person to be our candidate too!

But that Dean man, I tell ya. He has this thing about him that makes you just want to beat the hell out of him. Even if he says something I agree with he's irritating! Of course he did make the move to soften his image by adding a female influence to his team, namely Al Gore. So adding a woman as a key advisor like that is a great move.

Whew, I'm in a good move despite it all today. Must be the Holiday Spirit flowing through my veins. Or the bourbon I drank with breakfast.

Either way....

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics