Me and Angelina [ 2003-10-09, 8:37 a.m. ]

Remind me to stay out of the breakroom.

I just ran into a ton of public humiliation head on. One of the nurses announced to me and the others at my table that a patient wanted my phone number this morning. Apparently this girl was 19 and quite hot, but her chart warned she was a bit unstable and takes many psyche meds and therefore you have to watch her during sedation.

This was good fodder because I have quite a history with beautiful yet disturbed young ladies. Unfortunately for me, two of the women sitting there are friends and have lived through some of these with me. So the next 10 minutes they regaled all assembled with stories of my having just baked sweet potatoes pelted at me. Of the crazy blonde receptionist who used to stake out my apartment to see who I was seeing. Or Wine girl who after one date wanted me to fly to Texas to meet her parents and when I said no and told her to back off she called me later and claimed to not remember our previous chat. I have only listed here the milder ones as the worst examples are things I don't want anywhere near the public domain. Yes it was quite pleasant.

But make fun of me if they will. I will tell you this as the gods-honest truth. If you are looking for a casual dating experience that is more fun and exciting than anything you've ever experienced, then date the insane. The adreneline rush you get from knowing that you could be just one missed pill from a boiling rabbit on your stove or having your nether regions chopped off can't be matched. But when all is well, you'll never have more fun. Sure there are risks I'll admit. Just don't keep sharp objects lying around and always have bail money in your wallet.

But I do so attract that type. In fact I have no doubt Angelina Jolie would find me irresistable and want to wear my blood around her neck. Billy Bob just wasn't as equipped and experienced as me to handle it all.

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