two plus two equal 5 [ 2003-10-22, 9:14 a.m. ]

Okay so I've added this up.

Earlier this week, Pam Anderson goes off about KFC and the fact that chicken are treated badly before being killed. Yeah I know.

Now, she is saying she expects to die soon. So are you thinking what I am?

Yep, Pammy thinks she's a chicken and wants to be killed humanely.

Pass me some breast please.

Who finds it surprising that Pam has Hep C though? I mean good Lord, Tommy Lee and Kid Rock both look like the very picture of walking infection. And before that the Chachi in Charge guy! You know Chachi's been around. Or was that Heather Locklear? hmmm. At any rate...

Though I thought the video of her and Tommy Lee was the funniest damned thing. You know the video everyone has seen but denies they have. I freely admit to seeing it. The sex and nudity get old after about five minutes. But the best part is how completely insane they are. On a boat on a lake and they have no idea where they are. The dialogue is awesome. A sample.

"Love you lover."

"Love you more lover."

And it's informative. Pam's recipe for hamburgers on the grill. A burger topped with bbq potato chips and pot. That's a darned good idea.

I love that ad for the latest Scary Movie sequel with her and Jenny McCarthy (aka the future mother of my children)making fun of the video.

Okay I as usual have way digressed.

But what a story! One day you're a sweet, beautiful girl working at a Dairy Queen in Canada, the next you're dying like a fried chicken after being infested by your junkie rock star boyfriends. Ahhhh Hollywood.

last - next

4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics