Ode to Hollywood [ 2003-02-21, 8:40 a.m. ]

...I am beggining to hate Hollywood people. Okay, not all, but the ones who are currently running their mouths. I don't mind that they oppose the war, hate the US or whatever. That's all cool with me. What is driving me beserk is what they are saying.

"like uhhh, dude, ya know, war is like bad and it's about oil and Bush is worse than Hitler and it's like the children we have to save the children."

Wow! Thanks Miss Eighth grade graduate. That was illuminating. Susan Saranwrap? Oh Gawd. I could literally smack her. These morons put on their glasses without lenses (so they look smarter) and wear no makeup (look I'm ugly, please take me seriously) and recite something bumper stickerish. No facts, no discourse. Just a slogan or two. They are smarter than you and if you disagree you are scoffed at as one of the ill informed hicks in the middle of "fly over country". Why is an actor speaking on Iraq? Does your mechanic give you a anal exam? They are pretty people who make an obscene amount of money for playing pretend like a child does. They wear a ribbon and come against land mines to ease the guilt of making seven million to take their top off in a movie. They have no concept of what reallity is! Do you want Michael Jackson speaking out on Children's issues? These people are smarter than you and they have the money and lackeys to prove it!

Message to Martin Sheen.

Get your limo driver to drive you in your stretch car that uses more gas than the state of Rhode Island daily and drive to your 20 million dollar home high atop Mt. Olympus where you and the other Gods live, have your servants direct you to your couch where you need to SIT THERE, DON'T MOVE AND SHUTUP!!!

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