test..test..check...is this thing on? [ 2003-02-19, 7:12 a.m. ]

Is it just me? Real Conversations with real people. Maybe a word or two changed to amuse myself.

...Joe Millionaire...unidentified female friend.

"That Sarah was such a whore, I was so happy she lost"

me..."A whore? That's kind of harsh."

UFF:"She barely knew this guy and blew him in the woods and god knows what else. What a golddigger!"

me: "Well, have you never had ummm. "relations" with a guy you barely knew before?"

UFF: sigh and pause "yes but that was different, I wasn't after some guys money!"

me: "Ahh, so to do that with purpose and a goal is immoral but to do so randomly and casually is noble?"

UFF:"I so hate you sometimes"

I've lost ten pounds in a month. How? By, gasp, eating less and exercising more. Bear in mind I work with healthcare professionals.

Apparently it's noticeable now and I am asked by people what I am doing.

Me: yes about 10 pounds so far thanks, I have met my goal.

Coworker X: What plan are you on?

Me: No real plan, use more calories than I take in basically.

CX: My friend lost 10 pds gargling with bull semen every morning, are you doing that?

Me: No, working out everyday and cutting down on carbs.

Coworker Y: I have lost weight several times by eating cockroaches before meals, they get in your stomach and eat the fat before it hits your body.

Coworker Z: My daughter lost thirty pounds be being decapitated, I am trying to get in to see her doctor.

I am going to regain the weight just to avoid these conversations.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics