water, water everywhere [ 2004-09-17, 9:42 a.m. ]

Well, well.

I am still chin-deep in the quagmire that is my desk since my vacation. Blah, blah boring work details, yada yada.

Today's entry would be better if it were done by the Sig Ot however, who has things to tell left and right.

She returned to a former workplace for a nice piece of change and has in my opinion a nice pie job. It also reduced her commute from sometimes over an hour down to 20 minutes. Kick ass.

She also has a shiny new car. Which after some intitial screwups and such, she ended getting for a steal.

Obviously it's true that good things happend to good people. Because I've never known a better person.

This may also explain my duke's mix of fortune myself as I am sometimes good, sometimes bad person.


Then Tropical Storm Ivan blew through with spit and vinegar last night. I survived well out at the gutterpoet estate, though winds were whipping and I recorded 4 1/2" inches of rain yesterday. That's almost 9" in the past week! I dare the likely dissapointed drought nazis to say a damned word for a while now. What bitter people they are, they seem crushed when there is no drought to talk about. But you'd be testy too if you had a low-flow toilet with five bricks in the back tank in your house.

Now lest I appear morose on this Friday, I am amused by much lately and am in chuckling sort of mood. I could just punch-drunk I suppose.

Or...tomorrow is a big day of football on TV and I have a fridge full o' beer. Hell yeah. Then Sunday in-person seeing the Falcons-Rams game at the Dome.

Yes, it could be that.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics