Let's talk turkey [ 2003-10-30, 9:51 a.m. ]

Today, I am starting to feel like my normal self again. We won't just now, debate whether that is good news or bad news with what that entails, but merely accept it as a good thing.

I have rescheduled my glorious return to Roanoke for next weekend. I will then be back to full strength and let this serve as a warning to the citizens of that locality to be on full alert.

This trip will help as well to smooth over the fact that I am staying in Atlanta for Thanksgiving with my parents. There is so much I can do with that weekend staying home. I am however, planning my own Waltons-like Thanksgiving dinner with some friends and anyone out there who wishes to attend, really I mean that. And fear not, I have cooked a full Thanksgiving before and usually step in and cook a fair amount of Thanksgiving when I do go to the parents house. I can cook a mean turkey blind folded (that's me blind folded not the turkey, well except that one time, but I'm not supposed to talk about that incident), in fact, if you didn't see me and just ate the turkey, you would swear that whoever cooked it most certainly had to have blue hair and saggy boobs (and you'd still be right.:)). And so I look forward to the challenge. I already have five or six coming and maybe a couple more. I want to fill the house!

Though not a messy person really, I still need incentive to get things really ship-shape and this event will be the catylst to get the new house in order. I've often invited people over just so I would have to really, really clean. Yeah, I know, I know.

Well, we now see what me feeling like myself again entails. A long, rambling entry about nothing. If you wish to pray for a relapse, I'll undertand to be honest.

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