they don't know when to stop [ 2003-04-23, 06:50am ]

Ughh. The Hollywood/Entertainment activists just cannot shutup can they? The latest PR campaign is that if we, the general public, hold their views against them commercially or in other way show displeasure then we are abridging their "free speech" rights and being "unfair". WTF?

By nature these people already have more free speech than I do. I do not have access to a TV audience of millions or a stadium filled with 75,000 people. Why I can pontificate all day long in my backyard or in public but no one HAS to listen to my jibberish. So when you use the platform your fame has garnered you, to espouse your out of touch slogans, how can you cry foul when you are held accountable for it?

I certainly don't care that the Dixie Chicks or Susan Sarandon or Mr. Susan Sarandon say what they have to say. That is certainly their right without question. But if you want to prove you are more than a high school dropout who was fortunate enough to have good appearance genetics then stand behind your comments and say that if your career suffers then so be it, this is what I stand for.

This week the Sarandon's and the D. Chicks will be on TV bitching and moaning about it all and trying to PR spin their way back into good graces, but I am so tired of these people and their ignorant views being shoved down my throat. Just go away morons.

In fact I am starting to just turn the TV off, I haven't been to the movies in months. No it's not because I am boycotting or anything like that. I am however tired of having messages thrown into my entertainment and being preached to by uninformed robots out of touch with the general public. Just entertain us and please dear Lord don't try to "enlighten" me.

But be prepared for the onslaught from this ilk with their buzzwords and talking points about censorship, McCarthyism and freedom of speech. Be prepared to be told how if you stop buying their product you are just a mind numbed robot programmed by the media or the right wing hatemongers, ad nauseum.

Again, just go away you spoiled morons.

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