Spandex be damned [ 2003-06-03, 8:24 a.m. ]

Though often in touch with my female side (though if I was really in touch with it I'd never leave my room ahem) this rant is straight from the male nether regions.

It being a beautiful day here in GA, I ran on the Silver Comet Trail rather than the treadmill. It's a nice paved trail for recreation running on a old railroad path. People run, families walk children and dogs etc. And of course the "bikers". These men (in the loosest sense of the world) with their $2000 bikes and helmets and pads and dear Lord head to toe spandex, whirl by at high speeds and bellow "passing" meaning get the hell out of my way and over in the mud beside the trail, basically. Now for one thing, when I was growing up in the mean streets (actually suburbia pretty much) were I to show up dressed like that on my bike, I would have gotten my ass kicked royally. That is what's wrong with this generation (okay most of these guys are likely my age or older, but I don't claim them in my generation)! Kids can't go outside anymore without a queen sized mattress strapped around them lest they fall and get a booboo. You know you fall you get hurt you learn. If you don't learn then maybe we didn't need your seed spread around the gene pool anyway Sonnyboy. This is no Tour de France, no grueling competition demanding aerodynamic purity, it's a monday afternoon in a recreational area. But these "nancy boys" fly by with all the attitude that a penis shaped helmet and chartreuse spandex can muster. Now truth be told, yours truly owns a bike and has ridden on the same trail. BUT I don't dress like a moron and I have no attitude and ride for enjoyment and endanger zero old women walking.

So they fly by and you are supposed to give way. Well no more! I am keeping my real estate I pay taxes on and running where I want and these boys can go f*** themselves over in the ditch because I will have no problem shoving an elbow upside their little helmet. Have some damned manners and respect for others! Not so much for me, but for the innocent people trying to enjoy the outdoors. Get off your bike big boy and propel yourself on the ground running or walking not with a hair trigger pedal that pushes you along.

As champion of those not so privileged to waste good money on spandex, I will make it my mission to stay in the face of the prissy ones all summer. Stay tuned, I may need bail money.

I just imagine them at the bike store. "No you can't buy the fuchia outfit, Carl has that one silly"..."Does this spandex make my ass look big Bob?"..."Steve should I get the pink helmet with the matching elbow pads and shoes?" ughhh.

I weep (or would, were that to be acceptable for a man and for the record it is not) for my single female friends, if this is the caliber of nimrod you have to choose from. No wonder there are so many lesbians.

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