shave and a haircut....two bits! [ 2003-06-04, 5:43 a.m. ]

So effective Friday my divorce from the person who had been cutting my hair is final. I am with much trepidation bravely trusting a total stranger to affect the way I look.

Okay, so I'm a guy and I generally keep my hair short so it's no life or death thing. Hell, anyone with scissors might do alright. I remember being a kid when you were taken to the barber. Not a salon most certainly, but a barber. You'd sit in a chair while some old codger who saw action in WWI came dangerously close to stabbing you with scissors because his hands shook violently from alcoholic d.t.'s. Mostly, though they would just hook up the electric razor and shear you like a sheep. Especially if your Dad said "give him a summer cut". "Summer cut" equals bald.

As I got older a friend of mine's Mom worked in a "salon" and she told me to come by and she would cut my hair. A salon?!? Dear Lord, that's where old women get bouffants and blue hair dye stuff done! So bravely I went and found to my surprise that this was not the case and in fact some very hot chick named Tiffani (no lie) ended up cutting my hair. My 14 year old hormone raging full blast self loved every second of Tiffani being near me.

Then I move to Atlanta and needed a place to get my haircut. I drift for a while and then a girl I was sort of friends with, sort of dating, sort of experiencing a living hell with, thought it would be fun to have our haircut at the same place (you can see why it didn't last) at the same time. Liking the booty, I of course said "sure". This turned out to be the famous place where the girls who were underage and were videoed with Rob Lowe in Atlanta, worked as shampoo girls. It was wild I tell you. Everyone was alternative in that "everyone turns and looks at them as they pass and they then complain about it though they really love the attention deep down way". So some chick with pop rivets all across her face and lime green hair takes me back and shampoos my hair and then...oh then my friends...massages my head and neck. I was now in love with the lime green girl. Anyway, I've gone through a couple hair cutters' there but the last price increase got me. By the time I tip the shampoo girl and the hair cutter and blahdeblah it's over $40. I'm not a cheap person at all, but come on my hair costing that much? But once you feel comfortable at a place like that it's hard to leave and venture out. I will miss the alterno-girls and there massages very much and the good chats I have there but a new girl named Debra will do me for $16 (my hair that is). It gives me some pause because it's near where I live. Even though that is typical surburbia Atlanta now with people like me moving in, there is still that undercurrent of it's rebel flag/mullet past there. If I come out with a mullet someone is going to die. I mean how bad a job could she do? And maybe, just maybe, they'll have their own pop-rivet girl who massages your neck! Or at least maybe a Harley Chick or something.

I'll keep you posted.

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