just another tirade, skip this entry [ 2004-04-11, 5:47 a.m. ]

Holy Cheezwhiz. If I have to hear one more mentally defective, intellectually lazy, partisan hack go on about what Bush should have done or what Clinton should have done about the terror attacks then I am going to blow something up myself. Those really responsible even brag about being responsible! But we don't seem to blame them. Arrggh.

How sad really. What may have been a helpful commission is sullied by the Democrats and Republicans into just another way to attack each other. I would be quite concerned if I didn't know that studies show that more than half of us are either classified as moderate or independent. It's that minority of liberals and conservatives who just won't shut the hell up!

How our enemies must sit and laugh and become emboldened. They blow us up and we sit around pointing fingers at each other. Or like in Spain, the population panics and does your bidding. How they must find it almost comical!

The media, those ambulance chasers of print, are just doing their job and making headlines. But the politicians sent to Washington to take care of the peoples' business? What in the hell are they doing with our money and our lives? All we get are pompous, pointless, speeches that are just unpaid political ads, from the likes of scoundrels like Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, and whatever Bush satellite takes the floor to answer the other old blowhards. Send them all packing and let's start again. It couldn't be any worse I say.

I just hope it doesn't take something even worse than 9/11 to wake us up to the fact that there are well funded, single minded people out there whose goal is to destroy us and they will never stop because they are not divided by petty differences, they are united in purpose.

God help us all.

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